Hello world!
Hello world!
Thanks for stopping by!
This is the beginning of my attempt to build a personal website. I enjoy discussing thoughts and ideas, and have developed an interest in writing and creating content for the web through the process of building the site ParkTripsAndMore.com (a site where I talk about National Parks and road trips).
I think that this will be my forever home online as I can’t really get away from my name :-). That being said, I think that this will be a site where you can learn about me, what I’m thinking, and what I’m working towards.
If you don’t know me yet, I am a person that is full of ideas. I enjoy the art of thinking in terms of possibilities. Sometimes, I over-analyze and have a tendency to drag my feet when making decisions as I enjoy weighing options… so with this blog, I’m thinking that I will throw caution to the wind, intentionally minimize over-thinking, and just write what is on my mind.
Hopefully I will (at least occasionally) provide some nuggets that are useful to you. I envision that I will write here in the same way that I would chat with my good friends over coffee. I love conversation and feedback, so let me know what you’re thinking as well. Leave me a comment, send me an email, or engage with me on social media. I welcome all of the above 🙂
Again, thanks for stopping by! Be well.